Weekly Recap: 01.03.22 - 01.09.22

Happenings Away From The Blog

Hello and happy Sunday! If you're new here, this is just a post I try to do weekly to talk about things that have happened throughout the week that's not always book-related.

This week, not a lot happened. I started my "healthier me" lifestyle. I think I have finally found a perfect blogging/reading/working/being a mom/exercising balance. It definitely helps that I have such a nice support system right now. Obviously, my husband has been a huge help. My work office has also been helping and supporting me in the best ways!

I managed to read two books this week! I'm kind of worried that I'm not going to hit my goal this year because my work commute went from 30-45 minutes to like five minutes. I'm not complaining whatsoever. I love my commute now. It definitely helps with balancing all the things I need done throughout the week.

So in 2021, I did mostly get ebooks throughout the year. I think I'm going to do less of that and continue to get more physical books. I feel like my local library will be selling books again soon, so I'm extremely excited about that. 

I'm still currently bringing my old posts over to this new blog. It's taking a while and it will continue to take a while as I have over 1,000 posts to bring over. This is why I haven't been doing these weekly recaps recently. 

I'm actually going to go ahead and cut this off so I can work on bringing more posts over and listening to my audiobook 😌. I hope you all had a wonderful week and an even better weekend!

Tell me something good that has happened to you this week!

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