Possibly Back To Blogging?

I've been blogging since about 2015. I've been apart of the book community since 2015. It's been a bit tiresome lately. I find myself constantly stressing over posts. Over likes. Over comments. Over followers. With everything else going on in my life, I do not need this extra stress as well. I just need to stop letting these things get to me and learn how to blog for me again.

I have deleted my giveaway. I honestly love giving books to fellow book lovers. But I can honestly say that giveaways stress me out. I can't say how because that would mean that I know how my brain works. Unfortunately, I do not.

I am going to try and bring myself back to blogging. I'm not going to stress myself out over posts and whatnot. I just know that I'm going to have a lot of time by myself in the foreseeable future and I need something else to keep my mind occupied.

I just have to remember that this is supposed to be fun. This is for my enjoyment.


After posting this and attempting to write a book review, my anxiety started up again and that's not good. So, I don't think I'm going to blog anymore.... It's sad because blogging has been a big part of my life for a long time. I just can't handle it anymore...


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