Because it's exhausting to be different. Especially when you know that you can never stop pretending.

Rules Of Rain
Leah Sheier
Published by SoureBooks Fire on December 5th, 2017
384 pages
Goodreads ~ Amazon ~ Kindle ~ Audiobook ~ Book Depository

Rain has taken care of Ethan all of her life. Before she even knew what autism meant, she's been her twin brother's connection to the hostile world around him. She's always prepared—when her father abandons them, when her mother gets sick, when Ethan is tortured by bullies from school—Rain is the reliable, stable one holding them all together. She's both cautious carer and mad chef, preparing customized meals for her family and posting crazy recipes on her cooking blog.

Each day with Ethan is unvarying and predictable, and she's sure that nothing will ever change—until one night when her world is turned upside down by a mistake she can't take back. As her new romance with her long-time crush and her carefully constructed life begins to unravel, she discovers that the fragile brother whom she's always protected has grown into a young man who no longer needs her. And now, for the first time, she finds that she needs him.

I really wanted to fall in love with this book. Any book that has Autism representation is a book that's high up on my list. Unfortunately, I didn't love this book.

Rules Of Rain follows twins, Rain and Ethan. Rain loves cooking food and blogging about food. I love that about her. She reminds me of me. Obviously, I blog about books. But I can appreciate a fellow blogger! Ethan wants to be a doctor. He's constantly studying surgeries and the human body. Ethan is also Autistic. He doesn't let that get in the way of what he wants to achieve.

Unfortunately, Rain has this big issue of being controlling. She seems to think she knows everything about Ethan. She thinks he can't handle certain situations. Even though Ethan wants to work through that to help him become a good doctor. She's just really judgmental and I didn't really care about her character.

Ethan is a doll. I love him so much. He's a just a teenager trying to make his way in life. He wants to start speaking for himself. He doesn't want to have to make others do it for him. I really love that about him. Rain honestly just holds him back because she's so used to being his "voice".

Also, their mother should not have custody of them. I don't know why their father didn't fight that. There was just so many things wrong with this entire situation.

This book is getting the rating I'm giving because of Ethan and Hope. I know they're fictional characters, but I wish nothing but the best for them both.

3/5 stars


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