Bittersweet - April Fairyloot Unboxing

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today, I'm bringing you the April Fairyloot unboxing. I'm not going to lie... this has to be my least favorite box that I've gotten so far. I am definitely selling the books on PangoBooks. Be sure to follow my site to know when I'm ready to sell them! 

I honestly just do not see myself reading these books and they're not my favorite special editions so I don't want to keep them. I'm currently working on not keeping a lot of books and since I know I'm not going to read these, there is no point in keeping them!

I'm not sure why these pictures have lost their quality and I'm kinda mad about it. Not made enough to retake them though 😅

Night Circus Tray (@stellabookishart)

I'm honestly thinking of getting rid of this tray. I didn't like The Night Circus and I'm not sure what I would use this tray for. Although, it is very pretty!

Heart Fairy Lights (team Fairyloot)

Not a huge fan of these when they come in the boxes... I'll honestly probably just throw them in with a book that I sell.

Strange The Dreamer Pin (@jezhawk)

I have actually started collecting enamel pins! I really like this pin and I'm excited to add it to my collection. I still need to read Strange The Dreamer though. 

Constellation Canvas Basket (

I don't know what I'm going to use this basket for but I LOVE it. It's also based on Addie LaRue so I'm super excited about that!

An Arrow To The Moon by Emily X.R. Pan

This book is gorgeous! Unfortunately, I don't ever see myself reading it. I'm no longer keeping books that I don't see myself reading. (This book has already been sold!)

Tarot Cards (@arz28)

I'm actually kind of excited that they started a new set. I want to actually collect these! Inspired by Daughter Of The Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan.

Blood Scion by Deborah Falaye

I'm not going to lie, I have no intentions of reading this book and it's not my edition Fairyloot has done. I do really like that dark blue on the pages though!


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