The Book Community and Why I Don't Like It Anymore

I just kind of stopped blogging with no explanation for why I left. I have always been open about my life and what's going on in it. This absence actually has nothing to do with my own personal life.

The reasoning is the online book community. 

Yup. You read that right. The book community is not the same as it was when I first started blogging back in 2015. So much has changed. One major factor is that book bloggers just don't get the love that they used to. Hardly anyone wants to read blog posts anymore. It's all about watching short videos now. Whether it be Reels on Instagram or TikToks. 

I understand that those short videos are what is popular right now. Especially since it seems like no one has the time to dedicate to reading or even writing blog posts. 

I will never be good at making videos and I have reached the point where I'm done trying. 

Another reason why I left, and the main reason, to be honest, is how toxic the book community has become. 

A certain book just came out and it got so much hate on TikTok. They not only have just completely slammed that book, and they have also started threatening the author. 

This is not right. 

If you don't like a book, MOVE ON. Do not contact the author because of something you didn't like about a book. Do not threaten the author. Just move on to another book that you think you may like more. 

You're allowed to not like a book. There have been plenty that I have read and didn't like. I have never felt the need to do a ranting review about a book I didn't like. I have never felt the need to contact the author because I didn't like their book. I have never felt the need to threaten someone because of something so minute. 

I just want to enjoy books. That's the main reason I joined the bookish community seven years ago. Scrolling through the community that I felt so loved in is now a toxic place for me and it makes me so sad. 

I'm going to continue to enjoy reading. No one can take that from me. I'm just going to take myself away from the bookish community. 

I'm not sure if I will come back to blogging or posting on other social media about books. If I do, I will be structuring my social media and blocking a ton of people so I no longer see all the toxic behaviors that have become acceptable in this community. 


  1. I hope you stick with blogging and block out the rest. Be the good in the community.


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