The Future of my Blogging...

Happy Saturday! I’m popping in today to say that I’m a mess. I want to blog so much. It’s such a fun hobby I started a few years ago and it’s one that I don’t have as much time for. We possibly have something exciting happening soon, so I may not be blogging much if this does happen… I’ll keep everyone updated if anyone cares.

I’m going to pretend like June didn’t happen. I will not go back and review any of the books I read that month. I will not post any of the books I bought that month. We’re starting brand-new in July.

I’m honestly hoping that with all the new updates Blogger is doing, they will bring out an app that I can make posts on while I’m on break at work and whatnot. I’m always trying to find time to blog and with an hour of lunch every day, I think I could get some done then. (fingers crossed that we get a like button soon!)

I’m still choosing to use Blogger over WordPress because I’m not paying extra money for another hobby of mine. Blogger is completely free and I have so much freedom to do whatever I want. I highly recommend that more people try blogger instead of WordPress!

A few updates:
  • I haven’t been buying as many physical books. Why? Ebooks are so much cheaper and take up less space. When I do a book haul, it will mostly be ebooks. I’m honestly trying to keep my physical purchases to a minimum. The amount of dust I have to deal with is unreal. I fell completely in love with my Kobo e-reader, I don’t know how I’ve lived without one for so long.

  • I’m still trying to balance my time with working an 8-5 job. This is honestly my dream job. I love everything about it. I just got so used to having so much time to myself from working later shifts. When I get home from work, I’m tired and I clean up the house. I’m also trying to make more time to spend with my son. It’s tough but I’m still learning how to balance everything.

  • I’m focusing more on what I want to read. I’m not trying to follow what everyone else is reading. I want to have fun.

I am hoping to keep up with blogging. It’s super helpful when I get interactions on my posts. I’m not going to beg for people to comment and whatnot. Just saying it would be nice!


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