Waiting On Wednesday: Red Tigress by Amelie Wen Zhao

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking The Spine where we highlight some of the upcoming books we can’t wait to read!

Words cannot express how excited I am over Red Tigress. I read and thoroughly enjoyed Blood Heir in January of 2020. Blood Heir is an Anastasia retelling and that is the retelling I need more of in my life. I did get approved for an arc of Red Tigress on Netgalley and I’m just waiting for the perfect time to pick it up! I think I may reread Blood Heir before I pick it up, who knows?

Red Tigress by Amelie Wen Zhao

Ana Mikhailov is the only surviving member of the royal family of Cyrilia. She has no army, no title, and no allies, and now she must find a way to take back the throne or risk the brutal retribution of the empress. Morganya is determined to establish a new world order on the spilled blood of non-Affinites. Ana is certain that Morganya won't stop until she kills them all.

Ana's only chance at navigating the dangerous world of her homeland means partnering with Ramson Quicktongue again. But the cunning crime lord has schemes of his own. For Ana to find an army, they must cross the Whitewaves to the impenetrable stone forts of Bregon. Only, no one can be certain what they will find there.

A dark power has risen. Will revolution bring peace--or will it only paint the streets in more blood.

What books are you waiting on?


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