Book Review: All The Little Lights by Jamie McGuire

All the Little Lights by Jamie McGuire
Published by Montlake Romance on May 29th, 2018
Genre(s): Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Page Count: 444

The first time Elliott Youngblood spots Catherine Calhoun, he’s just a boy with a camera, and he’s never seen a sadder and more beautiful sight. Both Elliott and Catherine feel like outcasts, yet they find an easy friendship with each other. But when Catherine needs him most, Elliott is forced to leave town.

Elliott finally returns, but he and Catherine are now different people. He’s a star high school athlete, and she spends all her free time working at her mother’s mysterious bed-and-breakfast. Catherine hasn’t forgiven Elliott for abandoning her, but he’s determined to win back her friendship… and her heart.

Just when Catherine is ready to fully trust Elliott, he becomes the prime suspect in a local tragedy. Despite the town’s growing suspicions, Catherine clings to her love for Elliott. But a devastating secret that Catherine has buried could destroy whatever chance of happiness they have left.


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I Enjoyed:

  • I love the overall plot of this book. I wasn't expecting some of the things that were revealed in this book. I think the revelations provided in this book is the main reason why I'm giving this book a two star rating instead of a one star. I'm not going to say what exactly happened that blew my mind because I don't want to spoil it!

I Didn't Enjoy:

  • I really cannot put myself behind the reasoning Catherine has to finally telling her guidance counselor about her not getting the proper care she should be getting from her mother. I hate that she's doing it in order to help Elliott and his school career.
  • I don't really like how dependent Catherine became of Elliott. I understand that he's her first love and whatnot. I just think she should have been more dependent of someone else. Like Mrs. Mason, for example. She's a person who wants to help Catherine go into a better home. Mrs. Mason is in a position where she can fix things, not Elliott.
  • Elliott is not the right person for Catherine. He has violent tendancies and I know he didn't hurt Catherine throughout this book but he did have an outburst due to something she says or does. He punches a wall. That's a giant red flag for me.
  • This book was too long. There was no need for this book to be this long. Most of the book bored me.

Overall Thoughts:

It took me a couple of days to write this review. I've had a couple of days to think about this book and honestly, I don't like it. I don't understand why this book was so long. I personally don't think it needed to be over 400 pages. It was a bit much. I don't stand with the relationship in this book. Elliott is an angry person and I feel like it wasn't addressed properly.

There were some parts that I really enjoyed, but for the most part I found the book quite boring. I almost DNFd this book at points, I just really wanted to see what happened with Catherine and her mother at the end.

2/5 Stars


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