Review: The Memory Of Light by Francisco X. Stork


When Vicky Cruz wakes up in the Lakeview Hospital Mental Disorders ward, she knows one thing: She can't even commit suicide right. But for once, a mistake works out well for her, as she meets Mona, the live wire; Gabriel, the saint; E.M., always angry; and Dr. Desai, a quiet force. With stories and honesty, kindness and hard work, they push her to reconsider her life before Lakeview, and offer her an acceptance she's never had.

But Vicky's newfound peace is as fragile as the roses that grow around the hospital. And when a crisis forces the group to split up, sending her back to the life that drove her to suicide, Vicky must try to find the strength to carry on. She may not have it. She doesn't know.

Purchase: Amazon ~ Kindle ~ Audiobook ~ Book Depository

My Review:

Trigger Warning: Suicide attempt, overdose, depression.

To be honest, I'm having a hard time writing this review. I don't know whether I liked it or didn't like it. I feel like the representation for depression was done well in this book. Which is why I'm giving it the rating that I am.

I just didn't like this story. I don't know why I didn't like this story. I honestly felt like DNFing this book a few times. I just really wanted to see what happened in the end.

2.5/5 Stars


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