Book Blogger Insider Tag:

Hey guys, I’m coming at you today with a fun little book tag. I’m trying to do at least one random blog post a week that’s not a book review or haul or anything like that. I didn’t particularly want to do the Top Ten Tuesday topic for the week soooo I’m bringing you a tag.

I’m trying to read as much as I can this month. I’ve already finished two books and I’m working on my third. With that being said, I’m going to hurry up and do this tag and get to reading.

I have done this post in the past but I decided to do it again. Fight me.

1. Where do you typically write your blog posts?
I do all of my blogging in my room on my computer. I used to have a laptop and could make my posts anywhere I wanted. But now I can’t 🙁

2. How long does it generally take you to write a book review?
It honestly doesn’t take me long at all. It really depends on the book. I would say at least 45 minutes. I don’t necessarily write long reviews so it doesn’t take long at all.

3. When did you start your book blog?
Late in 2016 I believe. It’s been about two years now and I’m still loving it.

4. What is the worst thing about having a book blog in your opinion?
Not being able to post as much content that I want. I’m constantly thinking up plans for my blog and I never do them because I’m a shit blogger.

5. What is the best thing about having a book blog in your opinion?
Being able to discuss books with so many amazing people online. I don’t have any friends that love reading as much as I do, this blog is like an outlet for me. 

6. What blog post have you had the most fun writing so far?
I would say it’s my giveaway posts. I love the interactions with those and they’re super easy to make.

7. What is your favorite blog post to write?
I love doing book reviews. It’s always something different and they make me feel so happy. I always love writing reviews because it helps with books being sold and whatnot.

8. When do you typically write?
I normally do my posts before I work later in the day. If I work early, I don’t do posts. I wake up at like 6:30 every morning and I get them done as early as I can. And also, on my days off as well.

9. Do you review every book you read?
Yes, I do. That’s probably why I don’t read as much as some. I just like letting the author and other readers know how I felt about the book. I can’t help it. I love reviews.

10. How do you write your book reviews? With a cup of coffee or tea? With Netflix? Cuddled with your fur baby?
I watch Youtube videos while I do my reviews while drinking a yummy Dr. Pepper. This is when I typically get caught up with my subscriptions on Youtube. 

11. When do you write your book reviews?
I try to get it done as soon as I finish a book. As soon as I’m done with a book, I’ll go to my computer and start typing away.

12. How often do you post?
Not as often as I would like. I try to post at least twice a week. 

I tag all of you to do this tag!


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