Would You Rather... Spooky Edition. Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone! Here's a nice little spooky post for the day. I can't believe it's already Halloween. Thanksgiving and Christmas is right around the corner. I'm too excited for the holidays and I'm wanting them to hurry up and get here!

With all that being said, let's get into these spooky would you rathers!

Thrillers or Supernatural(s):
Ugh... I guess this really just depends on my mood. Some days I really like things that put that thrill in me and some days I like things like The Vampire Diaries where there's a lot of supernatural things. Ummmmm. I'm just going to go with supernatural. I watch/read more with supernatural things compared to thrillers. 

Ghosts or Zombies:
I hate zombies. I think they are the dumbest things ever thought up. Ghosts. Definitely. At least they could be real. 

Vampires or Werewolves:
I'm a bigger fan of vampires. I have to to read a book or watch anything good that has werewolves in it. Recommend me something good with werewolves in it and I might change my mind.

Witches or Monsters:
Witches. Witches are cooler by default. They can do all kinds of stuff. Monsters are just scary. Boring.

Would you rather read a book with 13 chapters or a book with a black cat on the cover?
I'm going to go with the 13 chapters. I'm taking a chance here. What if it's like the scariest book ever? They could also be really long chapters. I just feel like the black cat thing is really cheesy. 

Would you rather read a spooky book in the dark with only a candle for light or by yourself in a locked brightly lit room?
In the dark! Totally sets the mood for the book. I feel like if I were in a brightly lit room, it wouldn't feel the same. It has to feel spooky.

Would you rather face your worst fears or be trapped in the mind of a killer?
Seeing as all of my worst fears include my child, I'm going to go with being in the mind of a killer. I would have to deal with that turmoil than have to deal with anything happening to my son. 

Would you rather watch a scary movie or read a scary book?
Movie! I just really enjoy watching scary things, it's my thrill. Always gets my adrenaline going. I haven't read a scary book since elementary school. Recommend me some!

Would you rather read spooky books during the fall time or all year?
I don't ever read spooky books. I've never really been interested in them. If I did, I feel like I would read them any time of the year. Just like I will watch a scary movie any time of the year. 

Would you rather read 10 spooky books in October or 10 spooky books all year? 
All year. One, I know I can't read 10 books in one month. Two, I would get burned out of the spookiness if I was forced to read 10 spooky books in one month. 

Be sure to leave your answers in the comment. Better yet, do it yourself and leave your link in the comments!!


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