Weekly Recap: 02.01.21 - 02.07.21

Happenings Away From The Blog

Hello and welcome back to my blog! This week has been different. It’s the first week of the month and it’s supposed to be extremely busy at work and luckily, it was pretty chill. I was pretty shocked. Something also exciting happened on Friday. I’m not going to go into detail unless it actually happens. I’m trying to not get my hopes up. I’ll have to remember to do my TTT on Monday because I will not have time on Tuesday because of that thing that happened on Friday! Just keep your fingers crossed for me because this could really help our family out.

Also, my first Fairyloot box should be coming today! I will be doing a spoiler review once I get it, so be on the lookout for that. I’m hoping I’ll be home when it comes because it’s been a rainy day here in Florida.

With that said, happy Superbowl day. I’m hoping the Bucs lose so I can get a back massage 😁 I have to hurry up and get off here so I can buy my turnips on Animal Crossing and we’re going shopping before the big game!

New Books This Week

I’m finally doing what I said I was going to do. I’m trying to not buy as many books until I get some of my unread books read. I have over 500 unread books and I’m just… yeah.

The Roommate by Rosie Danan. I almost didn’t buy this book because I hate this cover. There is nothing I like about this cover. I wish they would have stuck with the cute illustrated romance covers. (the UK cover is much better)

What I Read This Week

My reading has definitely been slow this year. I am not reading as much as I did last year. I need to work on that…

🎧 The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. I loved this book. It’s beautiful. It’s impactful. It’s definitely a book I’ll reread in the future! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

📖 These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong. This book was a let-down for me. I’ve decided to not pick up the second book. I will, however, pick up something else by Chloe Gong in the future. This just wasn’t for me. ⭐⭐

Currently Reading

📖 A Vow So Bold And Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer. I’m so ready to see how this series ends. I’m also kind of scared. I’m enjoying it so far, although I’ve seen some complaints that it seems like not a lot happens in this book… we shall see! (20%)

🎧 Shipped by Angie Hockman. I’m having a lot of fun with this book. I love a “vacation” romance. Even though in this case, it’s a work vacation and they still have to work. I’m enjoying the banter between Henley and Graeme. I can’t wait to see how they manage to fall for each other. (28%)

What did you get up to this week? Did you read any amazing books? Any bad ones? Did you get any new books this week? Let me know in the comments below!


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