Weekly Recap: Jan. 6th - Jan. 12th

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I'm not gonna lie, this week started out really awesome. Then I made a $400 financial oopsie. As much as I was disappointed with myself, I'm fine with it now. It's not like I lost $400 and was never able to see it again. It went towards a bill that I'm working on paying off anyway. This has actually made me more excited to paying off my car because that money didn't have any interest put on it and it went straight to the principle!

I also made a career choice this week. Once I am able, I'm going to apply for another promotion. Which means, more money and time at work. Yay! I don't know why I was so skeptical about moving up again. I was just really nervous. I'm really excited to see where this can possibly lead me.

I'm also working on my attitude this week. Especially at work. Sometimes I just have clipped responses and I don't seem friendly to talk with. I'm working on myself. I want everyone around me to be happy and I want to be happy.

I unhauled about 170ish books. I dropped them all off at my local library earlier this week. They seemed so grateful to receive such a haul. It's definitely made me want to do it more often.

I guess I had a pretty chill week. I didn't go do anything. I just worked and read! I had a pretty decent reading week. I finished two books, making me one book ahead of schedule to meeting my goal for the year. I'm currently only reading one book and I'm enjoying it so far!

I finished two books this week. One of those books is definitely going to be one of my favorites for 2020 and the other one was just really kinda bad.

New Books This Week

Books I Finished This Week

Currently Reading

What are you currently reading? What have you recently finished? What new books did you get? What is something good that has happened in your life this week?


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