How Do You Decide What To Read Next?

I'm still trying to keep my mind busy. With losing Pascal, I've been in a depressed state and I'm trying to get out of that. I hate having my son see me not want to interact with the world. I hate him seeing me cry. I'm trying to feel better for him.

Ever since losing my fur baby, I've been keeping my nose in books. I have finished two books. Escaping this world for a bit has definitely helped me out. I had a constant thought yesterday about how people decide what they're going to read next.

I have all of my unread books in an app called "Randomizer". I always add my new purchases to this app. I never take a book off unless I read it. Basically, once I finish a book I'll go to this app and I'll let it choose a book for me. This really helps with getting books read that have been sitting on my shelves for years.

I have been feeling envious to those who make TBRs and stick to them. I'm constantly wanting to do this. Unfortunately, every time I make a TBR, I never stick to it! I think I'm going to give this a shot in June. Pick one old contemporary/romance and one new. The same for fantasy. At least I would have a little say in what I get to read for the month, right?

How do you decide what you're going to read next? Do you stick to your TBRs?


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