REVIEW: Breaking Her by R.K. Lilley


He had done it again. Ravaged me. Burned me. Broke me.

Given me air, only to leave me gasping, writhing. 
But then something changed. Something that terrified and excited me both. 
Something that utterly destroyed me.
Something that made me whole again.
Our love was cursed from the start. She didn’t know it but I did. 
All she knew was that I’d lied to her, betrayed her. Done unforgiveable things. Unavoidable things. Yes, I had broken promises as surely as I had broken her heart. But, just as every war has casualties, and ever lie has consequences-every bastard has his reasons.

Title: Breaking Her
Author: R.K. Lilley
Purchase: Amazon ~ Kindle


Oh my God. This book punched me right in my feels. Right in the gut. It put so many pieces together from Breaking Him and I’m thoroughly pleased about that because I would have been distraught if I didn’t find out all I wanted (needed) to know. 
Can I say thank you for Dante’s point of view really quick? It was so good to get some insight on how he actually felt.
So many things come to light in this book. I was beyond upset with the way Dante just “decides” to break it off with Scarlett again. I was so confused.
But when I learned that his bitch of a mother was blackmailing him, I lost it. What kind of heartless person is she? Oh, I hate Tiffany too.
My brain is just so flabbergasted with how good this book is that I can’t write a decent review. My mind is all over the place right now. I really need to write reviews while I’m reading.
So I’m just going to cut this short and tell you to read it. I didn’t take notes like I should have. GO READ THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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