Take That Break!

Hello and welcome back to my blog! As you can probably tell, I haven’t been posting lately. I took an unannounced hiatus from blogging. I haven’t been reading as much. I’ve been reading A Court Of Silver Flames since the day it came out and I don’t think I’ve reached the 200-page mark.

Why have I been absent?
Well, as of yesterday I am technically “unemployed”. This is the first time in my working life that I haven’t had a job. I’m hoping to start my new job on the first of March. This has been a stressful time for me. I’ve been staring at walls and crying pretty often. It doesn’t help that the job I was at for almost four years just decided to “let me go” and didn’t let me work the rest of my shifts.

I could have been blogging. I could have been reading. Honestly? I’m still a bit depressed. I’m feeling better today, which is why I’m making this post.

I have a lot to catch up on with my blog. I have an entire week to do that. So, be on the lookout for some book reviews!

This is just a friendly reminder to take that break if you need it. Don’t feel guilty about being away. Take that time to yourself.


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